Lega Mobile Fiberglass Camper Toyota Land Cruiser
Fiberglass cab over camper mounted to classic Toyota Land Cruiser
Fiberglass cab over camper mounted to classic Toyota Land Cruiser
Toyota Land Cruiser truck with a custom expedition style camper painted military desert tan
Classic 1980’s Style 4×4 Toyota Land Cruiser HJ47 Pickup with home built cab over camper
The unique bright yellow fiberglass camper really makes this rig stand out. Here is a Toyota Land Cruiser with a custom fitted fiberglass camper.
From the looks of the license plate and the right hand driver this is most likely a Toyota RV in Bangkok. From the images on the side I believe that this is a fiberglass Dolphin mounted on a Toyota truck. …
Sunrader Fiberglass Camper mounted on Toyota 4×4 cab and chassis