Truck Camper News in Review Week of June 1 – 7

TQHQ says: Traveling on a budget is very wise. By allowing your money to stretch,a traveler can visit more attractions. In this article you will learn some of the most budget friendly places to visit in the United States. If you have been to any of the places listed please share in the comment section below. We would love to here about your experience.
Earlier this year two children participating in the Make-A-Wish Foundation made requests to go camping with their families. One girl hopes to make a two-week RV trip in Camrose, Alberta, and the other had long hoped to take a trip with her family to explore Canada in a pop-up camper. The Foundation contacted Go RVing Canada for help arranging the trips, and wound up giving Executive Director Christopher Mahony an idea for Canada’s first National RV Weekend June 13-14. “What we wanted to do was to find a way to celebrate RVing, of course and the community and the fun of camping, but we wanted to tie … Continue Reading
TQHQ says: Make-A-Wish is such an awesome organization. I like the fact that First National RV Weekend will be happening. Think about the smile on the face of that child who get the outdoor adventure of there life. Many of these kids have terminal illnesses and this will help lighten their lives.
Source: June 05, 2015 – RV News
Two Employees Buy Minnesota Dealership
Imperial Camper has had a visible location along U.S. Highway 61 in Newport, Minn., but Matt Erickson and Jimmy Smith want to reintroduce people to the decades-old business. The business partners bought the motorhome and camper dealership earlier this year and have since renovated the office and expanded the services. “I basically want to invite everybody back and give Imperial Camper a new shot,” said Erickson, who is planning a June 6 “grand opening” celebration. Continue Reading
TQHQ says: Congratulations to Matt and Jimmy for their investment in a company they have worked at for many years. Imperial Camper is a family owned business originally established in 1972. The original owners started the business building aluminum pickup toppers to supplement their income. A few years later they purchased a dealership in Newport where they are currently located. They carry top rated products and one of the largest parts and accessories stores in the Twin Cities. If you are in the area come by the grand opening
Charles Young, 94, a former camper manufacturer, passed away Sunday morning, May 31, after a short illness. Charles was born to Herbert and Therese M. Young in Germany. After moving to Indiana as an infant, he attended Mishawaka schools and graduated from Mishawaka High School, the Elkhart Truth reports. After school, Charles joined the U.S. Army Air Forces. He was a P-51 pilot. He later became a tool and die maker working for Lewis Manufacturing before opening his camper factory, Ski-Tow Manufacturing. Charles was known as quite the fix-it man, along with being a very handy inventor. He created Puma tent camper and Stalker ATV, among many other more Continue Reading
TQHQ says: We are sorry to learn about the passing of Charles Young. Our deepest sympathies go out to the family. May Charles rest in peace.
Source: June 05, 2015 – RV News
Fleetwood Kicks Off National Rally
The Fleetwood RV National Rally is celebrating its 65th anniversary this weekend in Decatur, Ind. The festivities kicked off Wednesday and run through Sunday with more than 300 motorhomes participating. Fleetwood is also providing a first look at more than 35 new 2016 models. Other events throughout the weekend include exclusive tours of the facility, a guided sculpture tour of works on display throughout downtown Decatur, wine tasting and social “hour” with the artists, an evening family-movie-in-the-park, and much more. For complete list of scheduled events, Continue Reading
TQHQ says: Fleetwood celebrate its 65th year in business. That is an amazing feat. This should be a fun event.
Source: June 05, 2015 – RV News
Island RVing
Most of us probably didn’t realize how vast this country is and how much there was to explore until we actually got out there doing it—in our RVs, of course. Some of the most compelling trips we take are to the many islands that lie off our shores, in lakes and in bays. Visiting islands is not as simple, however, as crossing from one state to another or from one national park to another. But you can drive to many of these islands without complications and stress if you plan ahead. Continue Reading
TQHQ says: American has a vast coastline. Along that coast line a traveler will find islands offshore. Some are only accessible by boat. But there are others that are connected to mainland by bridges. Camping on an island can be a different and unique experience.
Free weekend camping, fishing at Oregon state parks
State parks throughout Oregon are offering free camping over the weekend in celebration of State Parks Day and Free Fishing Weekend. Free camping will be offered the night of June 6 on traditional sites throughout the state. Free camping, fishing this weekend Keokuk Gate City Daily, Free camping, fishing statewide Ontario Argus Observer Free fishing & camping this weekend across the state … Continue Reading
TQHQ says: Free camping is always welcome. Oregon is opening some state park to campers. Just watch for the crowds looking to benefit from this deal.
The annual Backwoods Bash Music & Camping Festival has announced its 2015 lineup, including Porter Robinson, Infected Mushroom, Odesza, Boombox, Keller Williams, Liquid Stranger and more. The Labor Day weekend festival is set for Sept.and more » Continue Reading
TQHQ says: Music and camping are great combination if you love music and camping. Here is the Backwood Bash Festival. Along with concerts there are also a bunch of activities to keep you busy.
No one’s lukewarm about camping. Either you love communing with nature and sleeping in the fresh air or your skin crawls at the very prospect. For our latest Love/Hate smack down, staff members DeAnne Musolf and Linda Zavoral present two sides in the … Continue Reading
TQHQ says: Some folk love to camp, others would rather go to the dentist for a root canal. I know that most who read this will be on the the Love it side. But is always good to hear from people with different opinions.
Source: June 04, 2015 – camping – Contra Costa Times
Big City RV Driving
Sometimes RV trips take you into the heart of big, congested, metro areas. As a curious, adventurous RVer, you may want to visit what looks to be an interesting city for its history, museums, events, night life or architectural interests. Or you may have to pass through a large city just to get where you are going. Continue Reading
TQHQ says: Face it, when you are driving a big rig you can’t be that agile in the big city. It does take patience and experience to navigate though busy streets. Safety is of primary concern when driving. Here are some tips to keep in mind when in the big city.
Frank Hugelmeyer has been named the next president of the RV Industry Association and will officially take the seat on Oct. 1 after Richard Coon retires from the position. After a search over the past several months, the RVIA Presidential Search Committee recommended and the RVIA Board of Directors approved the hiring of Hugelmeyer during the association’s Committee Week meetings, held May 31-June 4 in Washington, D.C. “Frank’s proven track record of success in for-profit companies and most recently as president and CEO of the Outdoor Industry Association make him ideal for leading RVIA into the future,” RVIA Chairman of the Board Derald Bontrager, who led … Continue Reading
Anyone traveling to Monterey, California must consider visiting one of the most unique places on earth, the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. The aquarium inspires more awe in a few hours than any other place I can think of when it comes to viewing sea life, but I would plan even more time there if your schedule permits. Continue Reading
TQHQ says: There is nothing more enjoyable and peaceful than visiting an aquarium. When in Monterey California make sure that you include the aquarium as part of your travel plans.
Source: June 04, 2015 –
Europe’s best campsites by lakes and rivers
Luxembourg boasts a total area of just 999 square miles but, tucked in the valley of the Clerve River, Camping Val d’Or boasts perhaps the finest acreage of the lot. Spread around the riverbanks, the campsite is an oasis of greenery with the water at … Continue Reading
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