Chevrolet Blazer Chalet Camper
Earth tone 1970’s Chevrolet 4 wheel drive Silverado Blazer Chalet fiberglass pop up camper
Earth tone 1970’s Chevrolet 4 wheel drive Silverado Blazer Chalet fiberglass pop up camper
c. 1969 Dodge D series Camper Special 4×4 truck with an Alaskan pop up camper. Original bed is replaced by utility bed to provide extra storage. Some attempt was made to include some camouflage to the utility box.
What a great day for fishing at the beach. Here is a Gold Chevrolet Crew Cab 4×4 truck with a Coachman Ranger cab over camper.
There is something distinctively American about truck campers. Looking at their unique and versatile design, as well as the freedom they provide, it’s easy to see why used truck campers and in particular adventurer truck campers are high on the agenda for many weekend warriors. What’s more, truck campers are popular with a diverse range of people. Horseback riders love them! Especially, when they have competitions or are camping in the wilderness. Fishermen, hunters and other outdoor sports people love them because they can go anywhere and carry anything.