Money Saving Tips for Your Upcoming Camping Adventure

Are you getting ready to take your next camping trip? It could be a family outing or romantic getaway, one thing that may be on your mind is the cost of your trip. In general camping is considered an economical recreational activity, but still there are still costs involved. If you don’t budget properly if could get expensive. Here are some great ideas you can use to help make your next camping trip more affordable.
Give Me Shelter
There are many way in which you can save money when preparing for a camping trip. One of the most effective methods is to look at how you plan. Take into consideration how you plan to create your camping shelter. The range of shelters run from tents to RV’s to cabins. Motorhome camping does provide a lot of conveniences but the price of gas can be quite expensive and affect your overall budget. Plus there is the added cost of the vehicle and it maintenance. On the other end of the spectrum is a tent. A tent is very cheap but not a lot of luxuries. Somewhere in the middle you may find that a Truck Camper is a good mix between the two extremes.
Camping Equipment
Another big expense is camping gear. If this is your first time out, you may need to make a greater investment in the item you need. For the experienced camper you will probably already made your investment into the camping gear. Some of the basic items you will need will include a tent, sleeping bag, and a cooler. Before you buy anything shop around for the best deals, Sometime items can be bought on sale during off seasons. If you are just starting out and it is you first time out, call some of your family and friends and borrow some items. Another great place to get camping equipment is a military surplus store.
Finding the Goods
When purchasing camping equipment, standard quality is your best choice. Make sure that everything has the capacity needed for your outdoor adventure. There can be a tendency to buy more than what you actually need. That’s why borrowing camping gear is the best option for first time campers. Once you get a feel for camping, then you can start to build up your supply of gear. If you can get used gear, that will save you a ton of money. Just check to make sure that everything is in good condition. Place to find used camping equipment is a local yard sale or online auction sites like eBay.
What’s for dinner?
Next to shelter then next item of importance is your food supply. You will need to plan out what food, snacks and drinks to bring. You may want to stock up on item well in advance to your trip. Smart shopping will allow you to find items on sale. Keep your eyes open to specials and sales at your local supermarket. Most camping food is packaged for long shelf life and will remain good for a few months. This will allow you to buy items on sale so you can stock up and have everything ready when you are ready to camp.
Find a Place to Camp
Many parks will require some sort of entrance fee to camp. Careful planning will help you find an affordable place to stay. There are so many choices in the United States to stay. The cost of a park is usually in relation to the amenities and popularity of the campsite. Check well in advance and decide what activates you plan on doing. The price will also be determined by the type of camping. An RV space will be more than a tent space. For bare bones camping, you can find no cost places to camp. The BLM maintains many places. You can do some research on these places. Keep in mind the free spots will be very limited in the type of amenities available.
I hope that these items will inspire you on your next camping adventure. Hopefully they will save you money on your future outdoor adventure. Planning your next trip can be the difference between a costly expensive trip or an economical affordable trip.
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